2015-2016 Teacher Assignments/School Schedule

CIRCLE TIME           First Period                 Second Period             Lunch              Third Period
10:30-10:45                10:45-11:30                11:30-12:15             12:15-12:45        12:45-1:30

10:45 a.m. Mosque Door is Locked for Security!

School starts at 10:30 a.m. and ends with the afternoon salah(s), approximately 1:45 p.m.  First-third period times may vary for the small children's classes.  

The school day ends with salat.  Everyone is expected to stay.

We understand that from time to time things come up and you must leave early.  But please: the salah is a part of our school, and everyone is expected to remain for it.  If you must leave, please advise the principal. It would be great if you would come for the salah and then take your kids home!

An exact schedule of classes and the students assigned to them will be posted in each classroom, and will be given to each parent once finalized.

·  Teachers:

Imam Khobaib - Arabic and Quran
Br. Sobhi - Arabic and Quran
Sr. Nabila - Arabic and Quran
Sr. Safiyyah - Arabic
Sr. Samya - Islamic Studies

Levels are determined according to Islaamic skill level vs. secular “grade” level/age (especially for Arabic classes) with the exception of Level 1

Qur’an = Reading, Memorizing, and Tafseer
Arabic = Alphabet, Letter Joining, Writing, and Reading
Islamic Studies = Seerah, Islamic History, Adab, Akhlaq, Wudu, Salat, etc.